0.17 … Ink

el (1)


0.17 … Ink

I am nearly 5,256,000,000 miles
from who I was when
you last walked on
this Earth with me.

I am nearly 5,256,000,000 miles
into the jorney
of learning to live
without you both.

But unlike orbits about the sun,
some things cannot be quantified.

I cannot know
how many times I’ve cried
how many times I’ve asked God why
how many times I’ve smiled
how many times living has felt worth while.

There are things we cannot know
and there are things we can,
but one thing that’s been a certainty,
is that when a pen’s in my hand,
I am whole.

I know that
in my blood flows
an infinity of ideas, emotions, and ink.

Though my parents are gone,
the legacy they have given me
is a heart that can’t stop bleeding,
but the ink that has from it flowed
has helped me understand and know
that my reason here is to
write words and tell stories.

I wish they were still here,
but their absence molded me
into who I am.
I am a well of ink and hope
giving the world all I can…


For more from this collection, visit

elluminations, vol. 0

Click here to learn more about elluminations. This poem is also available on Medium.

Cover Photo by Patrick Tomasso on Unsplash | (elluminations © 2018 Elayna Mae Darcy)

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